In today's age, employee turnover and growing salary and benefit costs for full-time professionals can take their toll on any company. Our accounting service provides a reliable and cost-savings approach to these issues by offering a professional staff with a variety of skill sets.
Governmental Services
- Complete Fund Accounting & Reporting
- Preparation of payrolls including electronic federal and state deposits
- Preparation of vendor bills and board approval lists of bills
- Compilation of monthly financial statements including pension funds
- Presentations of board reports
- Preparation and filing of all federal and state employment tax returns
- Special studies and projects
- Technical assistance with budgets
- Treasurer's report
- Estimates of revenue
- Year-end adjustments
- 501c3 compliance
- Work with auditors
- and much more depending on the individual requirements of your local government.
Accurate, timely accounting information is vital for any successful business. Our experienced, knowledgeable staff is ready and waiting to provide you with personalized services, to meet your needs on a temporary or ongoing basis.
Compilation Services
- Maintain All Accounting Records
- Accounts Payable
- Payrolls Including Direct Deposit
- Maintain Accounts Receivable by Recording Invoices & Deposits
- Prepare All Payroll Employment Tax Forms & Filings
- Reconcile Bank Accounts
- Maintain Off-Site Back-up
- Maintain Fixed Asset Records and Depreciation
- Prepare Monthly Financial Statements (Month and Year-to-Date Reporting)
- Internet Document Access
Tax Planning and Return Preparation Services
We view our relationships with our clients as ongoing partnerships, and we pledge to provide you with quality, up-to-date tax return preparation and advice, whatever your tax planning and preparation needs—whether you're a sole-proprietor business or operate a multi-tiered corporation or partnership.
But our dedication to you doesn't stop after April 15. All through the year, we keep up to date on current tax laws to minimize your tax liabilities and to maximize your future opportunities.
From a 1040 to a Single Member LLC, we will use our experience to provide you with the information you need to maximize your deductions and minimize your taxes.
Whether you are an S Corporation, C Corporation or Partnership, we have the most up to date information on accounting software, tax laws and technology to help you implement the most efficient record-keeping and understand the most advantageous tax positions.